5 Festival Beauty Must-Haves

If you’re headed to a festival this summer, your easiest bet is to go makeup free and shave your head. But lets be realistic. Just because thats easiest, doesn’t mean thats what you’re going to do. The ‘festival’ look is pretty easy to achieve, as it is essentially being unwashed but with flowers in your hair.

The first thing you will need, and this would be the most important for me, is dry shampoo. This way you don’t have to worry about tackling the shower situation.


Batiste does the best value dry shampoo out there and it will keep your hair looking fresh and clean. My hair gets greasy about 16 hours after washing it, so I wouldn’t go anywhere without plenty of Batiste.

Secondly, without showers it may be hard to keep your pores nice and unblocked. Decent face wipes will substitute for a sink and some cleanser. Some face wipes just move the dirt around but these ones will remove any dirt and makeup left on your face after a long day of festival fun.


These cleansing pads are £17 which is a lot for a face wipe but they will look after your skin. Alternatively, everybody’s favourite Simple wipes are a good cheap alternative.


In terms of makeup, you want durability. A decent waterproof mascara that to don’t have to reapply too often will do the trick.


Everyone’s favourite, this mascara is a staple among makeup artists and celebrities. And it retails at around £4.99, or £3.49 which is the current sale price on Asos.com.

You can also use misdirection to distract others from the state of your ‘3rd day in’ festival hair and makeup with these gold temporary tattoos:


These are not only shiny and distracting, but they will also look great with a tan. You can get these almost anywhere, but Asos.com has some for £8:



No one will notice you’ve been wearing the same mascara for three days with these babies all over your body.

Finally, no festival look is complete without fake flowers.


These hair grips are £12 from Asos. With these decorating your hair, you will no doubt look the part. And at the end of the day, everyone will be having too much fun to notice anyone else’s hair and makeup situation. The great thing about festivals is you’re all in the same boat. The most important thing is to have fun (and keep your valuables on you at all times).

Ruby Rose’s Hottest Makeup Looks


Ruby Rose is fast becoming a household name after her appearance in Orange is the New Black. To some, however, she has been known for a while for her androgynous beauty.

I have compiled a list of my favourite Ruby Rose makeup looks so all of my followers who are unfamiliar with her, can appreciate the flawlessness that is Ruby Rose.


This kohl lined/smudged brown eyeshadow smokey eye look appears a lot on Ruby’s instagram page. And you can see why. Its makeup that looks great whilst still looking effortless and andro-chic. As you will see it can be paired with any lip, such as this nude/brown…


Or this baby pink.


This more intense glam look adds some extra liquid liner and some lashes with a darker, brighter hot pink lip.


With these statement lips, the only eye makeup necessary is a bit of mascara, which Ruby totally rocks.

But my favourite makeup look of Ruby’s by far is…


No makeup.

5 Makeup Myths

We are often told a load of nonsense about makeup that is just not true. Let’s bust these myths wide open.

1. Pumping you’re mascara gets more product on the wand.


Pumping the mascara wand just gets air into the tube cause bacteria to grow and your mascara to dry out.

2. Makeup causes breakouts.


If you find you are prone to breakouts after wearing a lot of makeup, it is because you are not removing it properly. Remember to wash your face thoroughly after removing your makeup.

3. Wear a darker shade of foundation to look more tan.


This will just look weird. Always match your foundation to your natural skin tone and use bronzer to give the appearance of a tan. Or, you know, fake tan.

4. You can’t match your eyeshadow to your eye colour.


Who started this one? Brown eyes can wear brown eyeshadow, blue eyes can wear blue. In fact I was always told brown was a great colour for brown eyes.

5. If you drop your compact powder and it shatters, you can never use it again.


There is actually a way to recover your powder. Mix some rubbing alcohol into the container till you have a clay like paste. Let this dry and it will set good as new!

A few more hair hacks

These are tricks I regularly use that are so routine to me now I forget they’re even tricks.

The first could save your hair day. We all know dry shampoo is great and saves us a lot of time. But it works even better and saves even more time if you apply it before you go to bed. This way, as you move around in your sleep your hair will absorb more of the powder and you won’t be left with grey streaks. Also I find my hair gets greasy overnight the day after I wash it. So applying it before bed heads off the grease before it arrives. It gives you an extra day of just washed hair.

A quick way to make your hair look more volumous is to apply eyeshadow that matches your hair colour (yes, really) to your parting.


This is actually a thing! It makes you look like you have twice as much hair. It also works for covering up greys.

Finally, most people know to only use conditioner on the ends of your hair, but did you also know you should only use shampoo on your roots? The ends of your hair don’t get greasy so they don’t need shampooing and even sulphate free shampoo can be drying on your ends, so just leave them to the conditioner. This also cuts down your shower time. My showers now last the length of one song (usually Feelin Myself by Beyoncé and Nicki Minaj).